Second Kiddo

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Another Rumi’s Words


Jika engkau belum mempunyai ilmu, dan yang kau punya hanyalah prasangka, maka milikilah prasangka yang baik tentang Tuhan. Begitulah caranya!

Jika engkau hanya mampu merangkak, maka merangkaklah kepada-Nya!

Jika engkau belum mampu berdoa dengan khusyuk, maka tetaplah persembahkan doamu yang kering, munafik dan tanpa keyakinan;

karena Tuhan, dengan rahmat-Nya, akan tetap menerima mata-uang palsumu!

Jika engkau masih mempunyai seratus keraguan mengenai Tuhan, maka kurangilah menjadi sembilan puluh sembilan saja. Begitulah caranya! Wahai pejalan!

Biarpun telah seratus kali engkau ingkar janji, ayolah datang, dan datanglah lagi! Karena Tuhan telah berfirman:

“Ketika engkau melambung ke angkasa ataupun terpuruk ke dalam jurang, ingatlah kepadaKu, karena Akulah jalan itu.”

(via: Mutiara Budi Azhar)


Time Flies

Time does fly. Some things happened since my last post. Sorry for being postless my Mono 😦 I kinda suddenly lost all of ideas in my mind every time I already faced you.

Time does fly, you know? Na ah, you absolutely feel it. So prepare your wings, to fly with it together. Or, you’ll be left in back, should run fast for paying your unawareness. Akhir-akhir ini pikiran tentang masa depan cukup mengganggu pikiran, orang di sekitar saya lagi doyan bahas masalah itu soalnya. Heuh, mau gak mau hal kayak gini nih bikin kita harus mikir. What my next steps? Have you prepared everything for your future? I’m not an ambitious yet perfectionist person actually, or I’m trying not to be (because honestly I feel some tendencies for being like that). Saya udah punya beberapa plan sih, tapi ya masih kasar banget dan rasanya masih jauh juga, I’m still 19 pleaaasee! I still wanna over-laughed, over-played and over-joyed.

And still about how fast time flies, I am already asked about my final thesis. Huwooow, I’m still so confused, there’re some options, I think I will apply them and let God (by their hands) chooses it for me. Gimme the best, gimme the best Ya Rabb..

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Wishes, Greetings and Resolutions

Aaaaaand, yesterday was my birthday! Happy 19th birthday Ratih Febriani! You’ve lived this far, well, healthy without any significant lack of life quality. Feeling grateful? Absolutely. Being thankful? For sure. But yet I still wanna achieve more and more for my own life, my self. Bersyukur tapi tidak cepat puas terhadap pencapaian dalam hidup itu sulit sih, tapi bukan berarti hal yang tidak mungkin dicapai.


Honestly, I never make a new year resolution in my life. But in this birthday I make some random resolutions, or a to-do list if it can’t be called resolutions. Sesuatu yang tiba-tiba terpikir beberapa hari sebelum hari-H dan kebetulan bertepatan dengan maintenance blog Continue reading

With and Without

Yellow by Coldplay in different concert, one with their trademark yellow balloons, another without it. But still, they both are so kewl I wanna dieeeeee! One thing I should do before I get 30 is watching their performance live! -_______-